EP: 24 Is burnout due to too much scrutiny and too little trust?

This week Catherine, a teacher of about fifteen years, shares how she felt so scrutinized, not trusted and overwhelmed in her role that she had to leave. 

She realises she didn’t stop to consider how she could have looked after herself and became so caught up within the noise in her head that she couldn’t think straight.

Can you ask for help? Can you admit that you are struggling? If not, why not?

What do the voices in your head tell you? Are they being honest about how you are doing? 

Catherine can see now that even if she had an outstanding observation, she still didn’t feel good enough. What’s that all about?

Do you go through life at such a pace that you forget to chew your food? 

Are you a leader and you send an email when you could have a face-to-face conversation and explain why?

This podcast will encourage, challenge and inspire you to re-think decisions, choices and actions.

To learn more about Catherine Williams, find her on:

1. Instagram: @popcats_music_time_franchise
2. Facebook: franchiseopp
3. Linked In: catherinehelenwilliams


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1. Instagram: @rowenaphicks
2. Facebook: Rowena Hicks
3. Linked In: Rowena Hicks

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